Richard Campanella, PhD

Richard Campanella, PhD, is a geographer and Associate Dean for Research with the Tulane School of Architecture. His unique research focuses on mapping sciences and spatial analysis infusion with social science and humanities. He has published multiple books and articles that focus on New Orleans geography, history and culture. He is the only two-time winner of the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Book of the Year Award (2006, 2009), Campanella has also received the Tulane Honors Professor of the Year Award (2016), Louisiana Literary Award (2015), the HNOC Williams Prize for Louisiana History (2011), Mortar Board Award for Excellence in Teaching (2010), the Monroe Fellowship (2011-Present), and the Hannah Arendt Prize for Scholarship in the Public Interest (2014). In 2016, the Government of France named Campanella Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques (Knight in the Order of the Academic Palms). In 2018, he was selected as King of Krewe du Vieux, and in 2019, the State of Louisiana chose Campanella as the recipient of the 20th annual Louisiana Writer Award.