Jeanette Gustat, PhD

Dr. Jeanette Gustat's is the co-investigator of the Tulane Prevention Research Center and the Bogalusa Heart Study. She is a part of the Physical Activity Policy Research Network of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and researches physical activity policies on both national and statewide levels. Dr. Jeanette Gustat's research focuses on assessment of behavior and the connection to physical environment impacts health outcomes. Her training is in nutritional epidemiology brought shaped her lens to focus on physical inactivity, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors. Gustat’s has worked with local community to develop and implement interventions to increase physical activity in the New Orleans. She has been funded by the NIH, CDC, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Greater New Orleans Foundation, and the Tulane Center for Public Service. In addition, is the course director for the core methods course in the department and teaches an undergraduate course in nutrition and chronic disease.