Gabriella Roude Senior Research and Evaluation Associate at the Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies

Gabby’s academic training is in Social Anthropology, in which she completed a B.A. with a minor in Global Studies from Florida Gulf Coast University. Gabby has extensive international experience, volunteering in Haiti with the Rotary Club of the Upper Keys, COHEF (Children of Haiti Enhancement Foundation) and Zanmi Beni. In addition, throughout her undergraduate career Gabby participated in short semester programs to Brazil, Guatemala and the Galapagos, all experiences where she conducted community level social research, which has assuredly heightened her interests in non-profit work. Prior to moving to New Orleans, Gabby completed a postgraduate diploma in Social Science Methodology at Stellenbosch University as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar to Stellenbosch, South Africa. While abroad and with hopes to apply the methods she was learning at university, Gabby interned at a local nonprofit, Women on Farms Project, where she helped collect personal narratives on the topic of household food security as experienced in the farming communities. Her professional values are collaboration, the importance of a holistic approach and ultimately, utilizing data to improve the lives of individuals in the application of social research. Her passions are: anthropology of development, the relationship between NGOs and the State, program evaluation and research methodology.